It's finally here. Tryouts!!!
You've spent the last few months preparing. All of those training sessions, 1on1, small group and team training under hot, cold and rainy weather are about to be tested.
Soon, you’ll be stepping on the pitch knowing a spot on the team is on the line, and even though you may have done everything you can to make sure you're offered a spot on the team, I know the tryouts can still bring on stress for a lot of players.
Some of you may experience Sports Performance Anxiety, AKA "choking", which lowers your athletic performance due to too much stress. However, you can overcome it by focusing on being present in the tryout and on your performance.
If you think too much about the outcome, you will ultimately hurt your performance. Instead, focus on the moment and making your decisions freely of what feels right in that moment. Don’t worry about the coaches- if they are looking at you in a positive way, or if you need to do more.
There are going to be those days. When it feels like you can’t do anything right, everyone seems
better than you, and your confidence is definitely down, my advice is: don’t worry- it happens to all
of us. And here are a few ways to help you move past it:
Gratitude. It may not be easy at first but look at the positives you’ve got going on. Be grateful that
you get to play the game you love, have teammates you’re friends with, and get to challenge
yourself and compete. Gratitude is the quickest way to get rid of negative feelings a reset your mind.
Focus on the next opportunity. If you messed up on the last play or even if the whole last game was
a disaster, focus on the next play or the next game. Don’t dwell on the past, and instead put all your
energy into making sure your next opportunity is successful. Remember, failure is just a learning
experience so that you can improve for next time.
Visualize overcoming the obstacle. Sometimes you’re going through...
Covid -19 has thrown off everyone’s daily routine and it is definitely a time to adapt to new things until everything is back to normal.
With soccer clubs’ activities being pushed back to at least April 15th, youth players, more than never, need to take charge of their games to not fall behind.
We are glad to continue working with our players as much as possible, taking all the precautions needed and also offering live online training sessions complete with an online library of drills.
Here are three things that youth soccer players should be focusing during this time:
Bodyweight workouts. You can still get great workouts in without a field to train on. There are many different bodyweight workouts you can do at home!
Stay on top of nutrition. It’s difficult and tempting to slack on nutrition without training or games to hold you accountable. But this is when you need to hold yourself accountable. PLEASE continue to eat healthy.
Tight space drills....
50% Complete
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